Please make sure that your account matches with the cards store’s region that you are buying the online games cards from before purchasing. Refund will not be allowed in case you buy a card that is not supported or matching with your game account settings.
PlayStation KSA Store 1 Month
620 EGP instead of 744 EGP
517 EGP
PlayStation Network - 3 Months (Bahraini Store)
1415 EGP instead of 1698 EGP
1179 EGP
PlayStation Network - $20 PSN Card (Bahraini Store)
1346 EGP instead of 1616 EGP
1122 EGP
PlayStation Network - $15 PSN Card (Bahraini Store)
1010 EGP instead of 1212 EGP
842 EGP
PlayStation Network - $10 PSN Card (Bahraini Store)
673 EGP instead of 808 EGP
561 EGP
PlayStation Network - $5 PSN Card (Bahraini Store)
337 EGP instead of 404 EGP
281 EGP
PlayStation Network - 3 Months (Kuwait Store)
1400 EGP instead of 1679 EGP
1166 EGP
PlayStation Network - $20 PSN Card (Kuwait Store)
1346 EGP instead of 1616 EGP
1122 EGP
PlayStation Network - $15 PSN Card (Kuwait Store)
1010 EGP instead of 1212 EGP
842 EGP
PlayStation Network - $10 PSN Card (Kuwait Store)
673 EGP instead of 808 EGP
561 EGP
PlayStation Network - $5 PSN Card (Kuwaiti Store)
337 EGP instead of 404 EGP
281 EGP
PlayStation Network - $20 PSN Card (Lebanon Store)
1327 EGP instead of 1592 EGP
1106 EGP
PlayStation Network - $10 PSN Card (Lebanon Store)